
Monday, March 2, 2020

I am home

I am home again, the operation went off without any problems. I spent Tuesday until Friday afternoon in hospital. The doctor and the nurses where great. I was taken very good care of. The first day I had allot of water in my lungs and was on the heart ward so they could get the water out of my lungs. Day three I was moved the E ward and there I recouped for the rest of my stay. Dave was so happy to get me home.
I have been walking on my mill since Saturday and have managed to walk 30 minutes without any pain. It feels so good. I had my first shower today and that was good too.
Now my insides have to recover and heal so I am not allowed to lift heavy objects or over due things. I am going to make sure I follow the doctor's orders to the letter.

I just have to get back into shape and lose some weight. Doctor's orders as well. Without the back pain it should be an easy task to do.

I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and well wishes, it helped me to get thru all of this. You know I tried to be brave and was doing okay until I got home and saw Jasmine. That's when the tears came. Funny how a little cat could make me cry. I love that cat so much and she missed me so much too. She could not figure out where daddy had taken her mommy. She sits on the top of the couch beside my chair and keeps an eye on me. She can't sit in my lap for awhile because of the surgery and the pain which is down to about a half of a one degree. Boy after the operation the pain was about a 15. Did it ever hurt. Not wanting any more operations.

Thank you all for caring. All my love Lynda Ruth


  1. Welcome home!!!
    So glad to hear that everything went well.

  2. I'm glad you're home and feeling better!

  3. So glad to hear that you are home safe and sound. Look after yourself, my dear. Wishing you a swift recovery.

  4. Great news you are home and all went well, positive vibes now for your recovery

  5. Continue to keep all the doctor's orders in mind. Especially about not over doing. Getting over surgery takes time my dear friend. Love to you and a blessed week.

  6. So happy you are home safe and sound to your Jasmine. Now to let the healing begin. Lots of rest and maybe a little stitching.

  7. So good to have you home .
    Take it easy now , give Jasmine a cuddle from me .
    Lots of Love and kisses.

  8. Glad your operation went well and you are back home safe and sound.
    Animals know when we are not feeling our best, Jasmine is just making sure you are ok, bless her.
    Take care

  9. This is so good to read! Glad you are home safely and can cuddle with Jasmine. Rest now--and don't push yourself too much :)

  10. Glad you are home and that the surgery went well. I hope you are feeling better every day!

  11. Oh Lynda Ruth. I am so sorry you are having such pain. I will keep praying for you. I hope it goes away quickly.

  12. Great news, hope you are enjoying your rest and recuperation. And the cat is enjoying you being home again.

  13. Glad to hear that you have returned home!! Give yourself enough rest and heal well. You know, it is always amazing to find the pets adore you to the core and miss you terribly if not around. Now that’s called unconditional love. Once again, wishing you a speedy recovery and start stitching with revived energy!!

  14. Glad you are home and feeling better. I managed to mail the parcel with the cross stitch sit so maybe you will start stitching it. Ariadne from Greece.

  15. It's good to know you are back home. And Jasmine must've missed you. Cats are more subtle in showing their feelings, you know. Post-operative recovery can take a while. It took me 2 months to fully recover from the accident. So I can relate to your pain.
