
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

White is so pretty.

I have been waiting along time for my snow ball bush to bloom. It has taken longer this year because we keep having allot of rain. It has rained all week so far thru the day and at night. It is good for the grass.

I just love these small flowers, so perfectly formed.

A look at my house from the road. All is green and my trees are growing wonderfully.

I needed to clean my fish tank yesterday, it was getting alittle hard to see the fish. It is much better now and I think the fish think they have a new home.

Remember the chocolate begonia I got at Walmart before they thru it out. It has flowered. Pretty little flowers.

Jasmine wants to say hello to her friends in Blogland. Meow meow.

 I have been busy doing a project for June and have finally got it all done and sent to her. I will show you what I made when she gets her parcel in the mail so you will have to wait a few weeks.  But now I can or have started my chart called Craft Room.  I got beige aida count 14 and have started it. I think it will be really nice when it is done.

I think I have made a good start at this one.

Well, I have been on these new blood pressure pills of a couple of weeks now and found that I had to take the three blood pressure pills around supper time because if I took them in the morning I was very sleepy. Not a good plan if you want to drive or go out shopping, so I switched them to evening which works well because I am then ready for bed when it is time.

The inhaler is doing it's job and if I take two puffs before going upstairs to bed it makes for an easier walk up and no out of breathe when I get to the bedroom. I just have to figure things out on my own.

The back is still a lot sore and dose not like to go out all day shopping. I went out the other day and had allot of stuff to do and had to run all over town from one end to the other and by night fall I had worn myself out and ended up in the bathroom very sick. It has been along time since I was that sick. I will now not do that again. I will divide what I have to do or get Dave to pick up stuff for me on his way home from work. Guess I have to realize that my body is not as young or in shape like I was when I was in my earlier years. Oh, well, at least I don't have to work any more.

Now, I am off for a second cup of tea and a well earned rest. Hope all my friends in the States have a safe and wonderful 4th of July. We had a nice quiet Canada on Monday. Heard fireworks from town that night but we don't go to any to crowded for us. Staying home is just fine. Take care all and have a wonderful life. Big hugs. Until next time.


  1. Love your bush how pretty.
    Sorry you have not been too well.
    Yes we all do to much and forget our age .
    I get mad that I can't do what I use to.
    I am having a few PC issues so hope you get this ok . Hugs .

  2. That is one of my favorite plants.... love the scent.

  3. Very pretty plant and Craft Room is going to be nice as well. I'm glad you're learning what works for you medication wise. Getting older isn't for sissies and I've also had to learn my new limitations, just as you're learning yours.

  4. I love the new craft room design you have started.
    I am so sorry your back is bad, I am happy you have done the inhaler before going upstairs, we need to be our own health advocates, not just doing what the doctor tells us.
    I love the bush here we call it the Bridal Vail bush, they are so beautiful, yours is perfect.
    I hope you had a beautiful Canada Day, we stay home also way too much noise and traffic for us old folks.

