
Saturday, June 15, 2019

What a beautiful day.

Been alittle under the weather this last while so I haven't been doing allot of anything much.

The back and my breathing don't help much, but I did get an inhaler from the doctor and it is helping my breathing allot more. Still have weak legs and it's hard to try and exercise on my bike when my legs only allot me alittle  circles around the top of our driveway each day, but allittle is better than
none at all.  I should get better with time and patience. I just have to keep trying as hard as I can.

This is my iris before I dug them out of the grass.

This is the same ones after they decided to bloom. Only had one flower last year. They have about four or five flowers on a stem and get heavy. I had to bring some into the house to enjoy them. I was surprised to see my white liliac's blooming so good this year. Hardly any blooms on it last year and I had to remove part of the broken trunk.

Even my bleeding hearts are doing good this year. the only garden that is not is the one out front, I will try to do something with it this year if my back allows it.

We went for a drive to Alma and surrounding area.

These are some boats down at Alma harbour. The tide is out. it dose not hurt the boats if they sit on the beach. They will rise up when the tide comes back in.

This is a dolphin fountain in Shediac, but there is no water running right now.

Guys out riding their bikes and enjoying the warmth and sunshine.

Even the cows are enjoying the sweet green grass and sunshine.

My house from the side and my maple tree in full leaves.

Isn't the apple tree behind Dave beautiful with all it's flowers blooming. Too bad the apples are not good. Too many bugs and we don't spray them.

Just want to show you the new little girl for this year. She is about a couple of months old and just so sweet.

Well, I am off to have some supper. Hamburgers for a Saturday night. Dave will bbq them. Thanks for dropping by and leaving me a comment. I do enjoy you comments. Big hugs till next time.


  1. Sorry you have not been feeling well.... glad you are on the mend. Your garden is looking great.

  2. Hope that you're feeling better soon.
    Your photos are great!

  3. I hope you continue to feel better, so sad that your back is not feeling well.
    Love the iris's such a beautiful color.


  4. Hope you a feeling better today ,I have bad hay fever today makes you feel lifeless .
    Your garden is looking lovely now , always wonderful to see what comes up each year love the Iris such a pretty blue.

  5. Hope you get feeling better. Your Iris are so pretty. Mine bloomed more this year also, must be the weather? Hope you start feeling stronger.
    Sandy's Space
