
Friday, January 31, 2020

Jasmine has an update.

 Well, folks Jasmine is here to say hello to all her kitty and puppy friends and all their owners to tell them mommy did not have a good day yesterday. Remember she was going to have a scan done on her right kidney last week and the doctor's office phoned Monday to ask her to come in Tuesday at 11 am. to see her doctor. The news was not good. She has a 50 cent piece size cyst in her kidney and needs it removed. She will be seeing a kidney specialist sometime soon and an operation will be preformed. It will be done by doing a laparoscopic surgery, if it can be done that way which will allow only a 3 day hospital stay. Fingers crossed everyone that it is not Cancer. The doctor did not know and won't know until it is removed and tested. Wish MOM luck.

Now that everyone has heard Jasmine's news, please pray for me that the cyst is not cancer and I will get better soon.

I made some bagels yesterday and they are delicious. Life must go on as ususal until we get the appointment to see the specialist.

 It took an hour but I got my fish tank cleaned and up running again and did not lose a single fish.

 I have gotten all the necessity items to start my stitch for Dave. Will start soon but to help with getting bored I have gotten the 12 months from Little Dove Designs like June has and decided to stitch each month. I will do January soon before I start the train stitch.

 This little item came today and it is a grow light for my green house so I am going to try and grow a few things in it once I set it up down stairs. We have to move the green house from the spare room upstairs and set it up down here by the window. It is an east facing window and should work well.

Maybe I will put my two bulbs in it and see how much better they grow.

I also have day lilies growing in with my Norfolk Pine but I will leave them along for now.

Sorry for all the bad news. I hope to have better news in the future. Oh, by the way I almost forgot to tell you guys that I have an appointment with my knee doctor on the 12th of February, so some good new anyway. I will finally be able to get this knee fixed and my back pain on my right side should all  go away. It's about time I got a break and started feeling better.                                           
   Well, I am off to town with Dave will talk to you all later.      

     Thanks for dropping by and welcome Sally  to my blog, I hope you come back often.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Oh, yes, I must say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SON, MATTHEW WHO IS 40 TODAY.         

Take care everyone, have a great day. Big hugs.                                                                                         



  1. I'm sorry to hear about your kidney issues and will be praying for a quick and complete recovery. I love seeing the pictures of your fish tank. Also, you have some nice stitching planned. Good luck with your knee doctor visit.

  2. So sorry to hear about your kidney news , I will keep you in my prayers .
    Keep positive my friend you will be much better soon.
    Happy Birthday to Matthew . Love how your bulbs are growing , and thanks to Jasmine for letting us know.

  3. Ciao sono una tua nuova followers.
    Mi è piaciuto molto il tuo blog perché ogni post è sempre molto ricco.
    Bellissimo il tuo acquario.

    Spero che verrai a trovarmi sul mio blgo:

  4. Oh my goodness. I'll be keeping you in prayer for the kidney issue. God is still performing miracles today, and what I would like to pray for, is that the cyst disappear before you have any surgery. Keep us updated please.
    I know the knee has given you pain for quite a while now, so being able to have it taken care of is good news. Just remember to do as the doctor says once it's taken care of and allow it to heal up quickly.
    I love the grow light idea. I love gardening and indoor plants also. So anything that will help them to thrive is great.
    The train piece is going to be beautiful.
    Happy Birthday Matthew.
    Have a great new week my friend and I wish you lots of stitches and beautiful colors.

  5. Sorry you have to deal with kidney issues. Stay positive.
    Sending hugs.

  6. Lynda Ruth I am praying for you that this is most definitely not cancer. God bless you my friend.

  7. Fingers crossed it is a cyst and nothing more. How amazing to make bagels!! x

  8. Oh, dear, I do hope everything turns out alright, Lynda. That is worrisome indeed! Take care now...

  9. So sorry to hear about your cyst and up coming surgery. Hope things work out well and it's not Cancer. Sounds like you're keeping busy with your greenhouse and your stitching. Will be anxious to hear all about them as you progress. Take care.
