
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Memramcook Show and Shine Car Show last Saturday.

Okay I want to show you the car show from last weekend. It was in Memramcook, just an hour away from where we live. I promised hubby I would go with him to this one. I was not a hundred percent that day but I made a promise and kept it. I did not do a whole lot of walking around, most of the first photo's I took from where we parked. My back hurt so bad when I got up that I just could not walk anyway except to the bathroom behind us on the top of the hill. That was my limit of walking.

People set up tents and they sold lots of goodies including hamburgers and hotdogs.
T-shirts that where made for Memramcook shine and show car show. Ice cream which was just right next to me, popcorn and lots of candies for the kids. It was a fun day out. On the way home we stopped at the Homestead Restaurant in town and had supper.  It was after 5 p.m. by the time we got to town so I got treated to dinner. I had mashed potato's covered in a roast beef and gravy and carrots and turnip mashed together, one of my fav's. Dave had a hamburger with 5 pieces of bacon( It was suppose to be hamburger covered in onions which we don't eat.) he also got two scoops of mashed potato and we had home made bread to go with the meals. I had a tea and Dave had a glass of milk. It was an enjoyable time.

 Here is our car and the chairs we or should I say I sat in most of the day because Dave was out taking lots of photo's.

This is a couple of pic's of me. I look as bad as I felt. I did make a friend. This is Gismo and he was so adorable. He just let me hold him and cuddle. When his owners packed up their truck after all the show was over I got to hold him again which gave Sarah and Mike a chance to pack up quicker.

 This is Sarah and Mike. Mike takes photo's of the cars and sells them to who ever wants their cars photoed.

 See I got to hold on to Gismo some more while they packed their truck up. He weight's about half as much as Jasmine and he is like a feather to hold.

I hope you like the photo's. There are more but it would take allot longer blog. Hope you all have a great day. I am slowly cleaning my house because we have friends down from Ontario who will come over for dinner on Saturday. I have a lasagna in the fridge ready to cook and I have already made two loaves of bread and two batches of bagels.
Even the fishes got a clean house today. Tomorrow is wash the kitchen floor and clear off the kitchen table so we can eat there. Since it is just Dave and I we usually eat in the living room and watch TV. I don't see anything wrong with that. Well, I have to go now, my beans and potato's should be done and I need to cook the chicken so we can eat because it is almost 5:30 p.m. and I am getting hungry now.

See you all later. Hugs my friends.


  1. Dennis and I used to go to car shows...always interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What great photos love all the cars.
    Oh and that sweet heart dog how lovely.
    Oh you both enjoyed your day hugs.

  3. WE had the antique car run from New Brighton to New London this weekend some cars are 100 years old, they come right through our little town of Annandale.
    I love the photos of you and Gizmo, so sweet.

