
Monday, March 4, 2019

Another Snow Storm Today

And it looks like we get another snow storm today. I know it is March but I am so sick of this winter. When will it end. I want to go out in the warm spring air not freezing cold and snow. This is suppose to last all day and all night. Bah Hum Bug.

I ordered a colour thread chart from DMC so I could better gauge the colours on some of the charts I have like the one for the boys. It has no colour chart and some of the colours did not match to my liking.

I did manage to do a little stitching. I found these 6 in by 6 in little frames in Micheal's and did a rabbit on one.

We don't have spring out side but I do have a spring tulip inside. Just so pretty.
Hope you all have a good day. hugs


  1. A winter wonderland...not wanted! Very cute stitching. I also have a DMC color chart, not a new one but it still helps with colors. Good idea to have Springtime blooming inside. Stay warm.

    1. Yes, it has snowed all day and i am sick of it. At least one tulip is up. Made lasgona for supper. hugs

  2. Lynda Ruth: Your Tulips are beautiful even when not in full bloom, I love the color.
    Your little samplers are adorable, I love bunnies.
    I hate snow right now, we are getting more, this week, we have now broke the record for the most snow in Minnesota for one winter, ick.


    P.S. I sent you an email.

  3. Sorry to see you have more snow , hope it goes soon.
    Love the stitching and flowers well done my friend.
